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How To Get Back Into Skateboarding? Learn from the experienced one.

After a break, we all thought of one question, How To Get Back Into Skateboarding? Skateboarding is a sport that transcends age, gender, and background, embodying freedom, independence, and raw athleticism.

It brings people together by sharing a passion for four wheels. The rush of cutting down a ramp, performing a trick, or cruising through the streets is certainly exhilarating. Whether youre a seasoned skater or a curious newbie, however, life frequently throws curveballs, resulting in unavoidable breaks from skateboarding activities. Rekindling your skateboarding enthusiasm is attainable through a path of rediscovery, self-expression, and movement bliss. You may re-enter the world of skateboarding with preparation, motivation, and a desire to face the learning curve.

How To Get Back Into Skateboarding?

Let me share a short story, on how I returned back to my riding board! It’s a very simple and short story, so don’t worry, you don’t have any chance of becoming bored!

how to start skateboarding again

Jump on your board

A few personal issues forced me to stay away from my board for 5 years. 5 years is a long time, Isn’t it? So when I decided to hit on my board again, at first I stood in front of a big mirror and took 10 minutes to counsel myself.

Yes, you may bypass it as a kidding approach. But Believe me, this 10-minute counselling with myself, helps me a lot for my returning back.

However, here I am suggesting some step-by-step ways by which you can make a Boombastic come back on your board.

Number one:

Prepare yourself first! Mental preparation is mandatory for any returning.

Number two:

Focus on your body! If you gain extra weight, please start doing exercises. After a long gap when you start a ride, your extra weight may force the board to give you sudden slips.

Number three:

Starts slowly. Many people often make a mistake by rushing back into a thing. You should not do it, Remember, you come here after a break, so take it slow. You will need time and practice to have your pace.

Number four:

Expect less. As I said earlier, You are not the same as before. Your swings will not work like before, you will feel it now and then. Your skills will not impress you anymore. So start expecting less and working more. This problem will eventually gone, have faith.

Number five:

Admire your faults. We all have problems finding and especially admiring our faults. We as humans dont want to admire faults usually. But as a responsible skater, you gotta be different.

When you are back skating, you have to have the mindset that you will make mistakes and work on fixing them, you can make mistakes at any stage of your skateboarding. So its not so serious and personal.

Number six:

Train yourself. When you already know your situation, you start accepting your mistakes, its your time to shine and it comes with training and practice. Try to train yourself for at least half an hour a day. You will see improvement within a week as you already have skateboarding skills before.

Number seven:

Check your gear. When you are getting back into skateboarding, there is a good chance that you will use your old gear and tools. Nothing wrong with it.

But check your gears and tools before you are ready to swing on the road. Sometimes, people try to work with old gear and end up being frustrated. You are smart enough to know that old gear responds very oddly.

By the way, a few days ago, I saw a tutorial on YouTube. I am suggesting this one for you. It’s an excellent presentation on how to get back into skateboarding. Here is the link.

See also:Am I Too Old To Start Skateboarding? Helpful Tips For Adult Skaters

Gearing Up for Success

how to get back into skateboarding after injury

Skateboard success

Before hitting the skatepark, make sure you have the right gear to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

  • Inspect your old skateboard: Check for cracks, warped edges, or worn-out wheels. If it’s in rough shape, consider upgrading.
  • Upgrade your skateboard: Skate technology has advanced, offering lighter, more durable, and performance-oriented decks.
  • Invest in protective gear: A helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards can help prevent injuries and boost your confidence.
  • Find a knowledgeable skate shop: The staff can guide you through the selection process and ensure you get the right gear for your needs.

Finding Your Skate Community

best way to get back into skateboarding

Skateboard Community

Rekindle your motivation and find inspiration by reconnecting with the vibrant community of passionate individuals bound by their love for shredding in skateboarding it’s more than just a sport; it’s a culture.

Immerse yourself in the local skate scene:

  • Connect with local skate shops: They often host events, workshops, and group rides, providing opportunities to meet fellow skaters.
  • Join online skateboarding forums and communities: Share tips, find skating buddies, and stay updated on local events.
  • Attend skateboarding events and competitions: Witness the skills of experienced skaters, soak up the atmosphere, and make new connections.

Embrace the camaraderie and etiquette:

  • Respect the skatepark hierarchy: allow experienced skaters to take priority on lines and offer encouragement to beginners.
  • Share your knowledge and support: Help others learn tricks, offer advice, and create a welcoming environment for all.
  • Give back to the community: Volunteer at skatepark cleanups, support local skate shops and promote skateboarding in your area.

By immersing yourself in the local skate scene and embracing the camaraderie, you’ll quickly rediscover the joy and fulfillment that skateboarding brings. Remember, the skateboarding community is a welcoming and supportive place, eager to share their passion with newcomers.

Maintaining Motivation and Enjoyment

Maintaining motivation and enjoyment is key to staying engaged in any activity. Set realistic goals. Don’t try to learn too much too fast. Set small goals and track your progress. Find a balance between pushing yourself and having fun.

It’s important to challenge yourself. But don’t get discouraged if you don’t land every trick perfectly. Just keep practicing and you’ll eventually get there. Incorporate skateboarding into your lifestyle. Skate to school, work, or errands.

Skateboarding is a way to let your body control your mind.

Rodney Mullen

By following these tips, you can stay motivated to keep skating and enjoy all the benefits that it has to offer.

Rebuilding Confidence and Skills

Regaining your confidence and skills on a skateboard takes time, dedication, and a positive mindset. But with the right approach, you can rediscover that feeling of exhilaration and mastery that got you hooked on skateboarding in the first place.

  • Start with the basics: Before attempting complex tricks, focus on the fundamentals like balancing, riding in a straight line, turning, and stopping. Practice these essential skills on flat ground until they feel comfortable and ingrained.
  • Gradual progression: Don’t rush into trying every trick you can think of. Instead, gradually increase the difficulty of your attempts as you gain confidence and skill. Start with simple tricks like ollies and shuvits and gradually work your way up to more challenging maneuvers.
  • Embrace the learning process: Every skateboarder experiences setbacks and challenges. Embrace these moments as opportunities for growth and learning. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t land a trick perfectly right away. Keep practicing, analyze your mistakes, and make adjustments.
  • Seek guidance: Don’t hesitate to seek advice from experienced skateboarders. They can provide valuable tips, techniques, and encouragement to help you improve your skills and regain your confidence.
  • Visualize success: Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you overcome fear and build confidence. Imagine yourself successfully landing a trick or skating smoothly down a ramp. This mental rehearsal can boost your self-belief and increase your chances of success.
  • Celebrate your progress: Take the time to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments. No matter how small they may seem. This will help you stay motivated and keep moving forward.

Remember, rebuilding confidence and skills takes time and patience. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Stay focused, persistent, and positive. You’ll soon be shredding like never before.


In a nutshell, skateboarding is more than a sport; it is a dynamic culture that promotes freedom, independence, and athleticism. Life’s interruptions may remove us but rediscovering the joy requires judicious gearing, reconnecting with the dynamic skate community, keeping motivation through realistic goals, and developing confidence with patience and determination.

Setbacks become stepping stones in this journey of constant learning and self-expression when one embraces the learning curve. So, whether you’re a seasoned skater returning or a curious newbie, embrace the challenges, cherish the victories, and let skating take you to limitless possibilities. Welcome to get back into skateboarding! We tried to answer the question of How To Get Back Into Skateboarding. Hope you got your answer. Stay connected with us.

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